Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enter Writer

So today marks an important occasion in my life. I am going up on stage and will present one of my writings in front of a judging public. This will mark one of the few times that I even let a non-educator know what goes through my mind. The importance of this is because, well, my novel is dependent on not only my writing skills, but my originality. So keeping those two things in mind this will be a very good indicator on whether I can even be accepted as a writer to a public. If I go up there and fail miserably, one can rest assure that I will never again let my writings go public. Especially, one that involves a Question and Answer session like today will. Will I fail? Will I succeed? Am I better than average? Or am I just a person that has gotten lucky for far too long and today all my luck comes to a halting stop. Whatever happens, eight o'clock at night today I will know the answer to all of my questions.

Chapter two of my novel is now well under progress and well I guess for now everything is going fine on that end, but if today goes bad...I am concentrating on the RPG that is underdevelopment by Chris and myself.

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