Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ideas, Script, Layout, and all the other boring stuff...

So I've been working on the comic ideas and writing my novel. The comic has been way more interesting and fun. However, both experiences are insane. I won't go on to talk about the difficulty of coming up with original ideas and will just describe each image.

This is an image of a pending title and some biographical information on three of the characters and how they should be drawn. There are more characters, but those will come to light during the comic.

This is the way I started writing the panels at first and even had see Figure X next to them and I sketched a stick figure version of what I wanted it to look like, however, that process isn't needed anymore and I just wanted a feel for the comic at first.

Figure One, the introduction of our main character.

Figure Two, introduction of our city.

This is the new way I'm going to write the script. I go into detail on what will happen in each panel and how the layout should be on the page. That's why there is a box on the bottom that states panel 1 here, panel 2 there, and panel 3 on bottom. This is going to be the first page of the comic.

A couple of more panels and the first view of the city is written about here.

First Fight Scene

Fight scene continued and sets up scene for next couple of scenarios.

Introduction of a main character...and confrontation.

More of the confrontation....

Two pages worth of comics here...end of first day and a switch of roles occurs.

That is it for now, and I will post more later once it is done.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Development of Brutality

Alright. Tonight, I worked on some sketches with a bit more "action" to them. Since this is going to be a comic, after-all, there's plenty of room for some fight scenes! But be warned, they aren't as typical as one might think.

To start off, I sketched something classic: Batman being knocked out by some super-strong arm! Being the human that he is, this happens quite a bit.

After drawing that, it was time to get into some more Fourth Reich oriented "action scenes". Next up is a sketch of one of our characters kicking a little girl in the face. You'll be seeing a lot of this little girl, so enjoy!

I know what you're thinking: What's a kick if it's not followed by a punch? Well, I thought that very same thing. So, here is a sketch of that same little girl having the wind knocked out of her by a punishing blow to the solar plexus.

The little girl still seems to be acting up. Hmm. Maybe an uppercut that sends her flying might straighten things out. Choice!

Last, but certainly not least, we need to get a little more personal with this girl. This is accomplished by clutching her face as tight as we can!

Well, that's it for tonight. Stay tuned for more cruelty soon!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mi Lucha: El Nacimiento de un Artista

Alright. Sketched a couple things today. First, here goes a sketch of the Joker and Robin from "Slayride". Basically, the Joker binds and gags Robin (erotic, eh?) and takes him on a little joy-ride filled with hilarity and slaughter. Ahh, I love the holidays.

Next up is an original sketch. Based this off of a picture of a little girl. This would be the more "PG-13" of the drawings that I hope to eventually accomplish. Look out for the hook!

One of our ideas for the upcoming comic book include a gruesome character. While I won't tell you what his crimes consist of (yet), I will let you in on the fact that he's an Ice Cream man. Jing a jing jing.

Finally, a quick little sketch of our wonderful Ice Cream man in action. No, that's not a ragdoll he's carrying 6 feet in the air. Let the good times roll.

Well, that's all for now. I'll be working on some more original sketches soon. Here's to an awesomely nerdy summer!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enter Writer

So today marks an important occasion in my life. I am going up on stage and will present one of my writings in front of a judging public. This will mark one of the few times that I even let a non-educator know what goes through my mind. The importance of this is because, well, my novel is dependent on not only my writing skills, but my originality. So keeping those two things in mind this will be a very good indicator on whether I can even be accepted as a writer to a public. If I go up there and fail miserably, one can rest assure that I will never again let my writings go public. Especially, one that involves a Question and Answer session like today will. Will I fail? Will I succeed? Am I better than average? Or am I just a person that has gotten lucky for far too long and today all my luck comes to a halting stop. Whatever happens, eight o'clock at night today I will know the answer to all of my questions.

Chapter two of my novel is now well under progress and well I guess for now everything is going fine on that end, but if today goes bad...I am concentrating on the RPG that is underdevelopment by Chris and myself.

The Laughing Artist

Alright. Here goes my second try at sketching The Joker in all his lunaticity (not sure if that's a word, but is sure is now). Anyways, here goes nothing:

I chose a full length instance of him to sketch this time to try and sketch his sly and crafty body. He's got this really cool jacket that he often wears and some pin-stripe pants with a matching vest. Nobody dresses it up better than... The Joker!